The Weeknd Quotes

 The Weeknd Quotes

The Weeknd is a talented musician known for his unique style of blending pop, R&B, and electronic music. With his smooth vocals and catchy beats, he has produced hit songs that captivate listeners and make them groove to the rhythm.

1) The Joker is my favorite villain of all time: You don't know his past; you just know what his plans are.

The Weeknd Quotes

The Joker is an intriguing villain because his past is a mystery. We only see his present actions and plans, which adds to the excitement. That's why he's my all-time favorite!

2) I'm the most boring person to talk to.

The Weeknd Quotes

Don't be too hard on yourself! Everyone has something interesting to share. Maybe you just need to discover your passions or find common ground with others. Remember, interesting conversations often involve listening and learning from each other.

3) I want to be remembered as iconic and different.

The Weeknd Quotes

I hope to leave a lasting impression as someone unique and memorable. I strive to stand out from the crowd and be recognized for my individuality and distinctiveness.

4) Bragging just sounds good, man.

The Weeknd Quotes

Bragging may seem appealing, dude.

5) Nothing is stopping me from doing what I love to do.

The Weeknd Quotes

No barriers are preventing me from pursuing my passions and doing what I enjoy. I have the freedom and ability to follow my dreams and engage in activities that bring me joy and fulfillment.

6) I mean... in life... what relationship is easy?

The Weeknd Quotes

Life is like a puzzle, and relationships are a piece of it. Just like puzzles, relationships can be challenging, but they also bring excitement and growth. The difficulties we face in relationships make them meaningful and rewarding.

7) OVOXO will always be there.

The Weeknd Quotes

OVOXO is a powerful and enduring bond. It represents a strong connection that will never fade away. It signifies loyalty, support, and a deep sense of togetherness that will always remain constant.

8) I was very camera-shy. People like hot girls, so I put my music to hot girls and it just became a trend. The whole 'enigmatic artist thing, I just ran with it. No one could find pictures of me.

The Weeknd Quotes

I used to be shy in front of the camera. To get attention, I paired my music with attractive girls, and it became popular. I embraced the mysterious artist's image by not sharing my pictures, and it added to the intrigue.

9) 'Trilogy' was more of a claustrophobic body of work. Before it was released, I hadn't left my city for 21 years, and I had never been on a plane, not once. I spent my entire life in one setting; that's probably why pieces of the album feel like one long track because that's what my life felt like. It felt like one long song.

The Weeknd Quotes

"Trilogy" is an album that feels intense and confined. The artist hadn't traveled or left their city for 21 years, so the songs reflect that limited experience. It's like a continuous song because their life felt like one long, unchanging melody.

10) I'm all about evolution. I'm the first person to judge myself.

The Weeknd Quotes

I believe in growing and improving myself. I'm the first to evaluate my own actions and decisions.

11) My closet is like Bart Simpson's.

The Weeknd Quotes

My closet is as messy as Bart Simpson's room. It's filled with clothes, shoes, and things scattered everywhere. Just like Bart's room, it's a chaotic and colorful place where finding anything can be a real adventure!

12) I'm trying to get to Mars before everyone else.

The Weeknd Quotes

I want to be the first person to reach Mars. It's an exciting goal that pushes the boundaries of what humans can achieve. I'm determined to beat others in this race to explore the unknown.

13) In the beginning, I was very insecure. I hated how I looked in pictures.

The Weeknd Quotes

At first, I lacked confidence and disliked how I appeared in photographs.

14) From when I was born to when I was 21, I never left Toronto. That's why I'm such a city cat.

The Weeknd Quotes

I grew up in Toronto and never left until I turned 21. That's why I love city life so much. I'm a city cat who's used to the hustle and bustle of urban living.

15) The last thing you want is to not be recognized for all of the hard work you put in.

The Weeknd Quotes

Nobody wants their hard work to go unnoticed. It feels great to be acknowledged and appreciated for our efforts. Recognition motivates us to keep striving and gives us a sense of accomplishment.

16) I'm a huge fan of R. Kelly. He's a musical genius and probably the most prolific artist of the generation before mine.

The Weeknd Quotes

I really admire R. Kelly as a musician. He's incredibly talented and has created a lot of music. Many people consider him to be one of the most influential artists from the generation before mine.

17) Once you've changed who you are or whom you've portrayed in your music, the fans, they'll catch it... Once I feel like the world knows me for anything else but my music, then I feel like I failed.

The Weeknd Quotes

When you change your true self or the image you show in your music, your fans can sense it. If people recognize you for something other than your music, it can feel like a failure.

18) I didn't like the way I looked in pictures - when I saw myself on a digital camera, I was like, 'Eesh.'

The Weeknd Quotes

Whenever I saw myself in pictures taken by a digital camera, I didn't like how I looked. It made me go, "Eesh!" and feel uncomfortable about my appearance.

19) Literally wrote 'Starboy' in 30 minutes.

The Weeknd Quotes

"Starboy" was written really quickly, in just 30 minutes. Can you believe it? Sometimes creative ideas flow so fast, and the result is a hit song that captures the imagination of millions!

20) For the chorus of 'Secrets,' we used The Romantics' 'Talking in Your Sleep' and 'Pale Shelter' by Tears for Fears. It's like hip-hop: just grab it.

The Weeknd Quotes

When creating the chorus for 'Secrets,' we borrowed elements from The Romantics' 'Talking in Your Sleep' and Tears for Fears' 'Pale Shelter.' It's similar to how hip-hop artists sample music - they simply take what they like and incorporate it into their own songs.

21) I love trying new things.

The Weeknd Quotes

Trying new things is like embarking on an exciting adventure. It's a chance to discover hidden talents, broaden our horizons, and break free from routine. So, let's embrace the unknown and enjoy the thrill of exploring new experiences!

22) Me not finishing school - In my head, I still have this insecurity when I'm talking to someone educated.

The Weeknd Quotes

Sometimes I feel insecure when talking to educated people because I didn't finish school. It's a lingering thought in my mind that makes me doubt myself in those conversations.

23) 'Thursday' is a conceptual album. Whatever that situation was, I spent the whole album focusing on that situation.

The Weeknd Quotes

"Thursday" is a special kind of album. It's all about one particular situation that the artist experienced. They put all their attention and energy into expressing their feelings and thoughts about that situation throughout the entire album.

24) I've had sleep paralysis.

The Weeknd Quotes

Sleep paralysis is when you wake up but can't move your body for a short time. It can be scary because you might see or feel strange things. It happens because your brain is still in a sleep state while you're awake.

25) I'm all about surprises. If you watch a horror movie, and it's called 'Kiss Land,' it's probably going to be the most terrifying thing you've ever seen in your life.

The Weeknd Quotes

I love surprises! Imagine watching a scary movie called "Kiss Land." It's bound to be the scariest thing you've ever seen because the unexpected can be thrilling and take you on an unforgettable adventure.

26) People always say when they meet me that I'm not what they expect. I assume they think I'm this super dark and depressing guy, but I like to channel all of those emotions into my work.

The Weeknd Quotes

When people meet me, they're often surprised because I don't match their expectations. They might think I'm a gloomy person, but I use those emotions to fuel my creative work instead. It's my way of expressing myself.

27) 'House of Balloons' was special because I had no deadlines, and nobody knew me, so there were no expectations. Spent a year making it perfect. Every song had at least,, 7 different versions to them before picking the right one.

The Weeknd Quotes

"House of Balloons" was a unique album for me because I had the freedom to create without any pressure or expectations. I took my time, spending a whole year perfecting it. Each song went through multiple versions until I found the perfect one.

28) We're all insecure, aren't we? I'm not walking around like I'm a macho man or anything.

The Weeknd Quotes

Deep down, everyone feels insecure, including me. I don't pretend to be tough or confident all the time. It's normal to have doubts and fears, even if we don't always show it.

29) I just want to keep pushing the envelope without it feeling forced.

The Weeknd Quotes

I want to keep challenging myself and exploring new things without feeling artificial or fake. I want my progress to feel natural and genuine, pushing my limits in a way that feels right.

30) I make good music for long journeys.

The Weeknd Quotes

My music is perfect for long trips. It will keep you entertained and make your journey enjoyable. You can relax, sing along, or even dance to the beats. Let the music be your companion on those long rides!

31) Going home helps the content.

The Weeknd Quotes

Returning home brings a sense of peace and satisfaction. It's like finding a cozy spot where you feel comfortable and happy. Going home allows you to relax, recharge, and be surrounded by the things and people you love.

32) I knew the second I finished the first record - 'House Of Balloons' - and had all this material left over that a trilogy would be best.

The Weeknd Quotes

After completing the first album, 'House Of Balloons,' and having extra songs, I realized a trilogy would be perfect. It allowed me to continue the story and explore more ideas across multiple records.

33) It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that there are people who can't or won't see what Black Lives Matter is trying to accomplish.

The Weeknd Quotes

Understanding the fact that some people can't or won't see the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement can be difficult. It's like trying to comprehend why someone can't recognize the importance of addressing and fighting against racial inequality and injustice.

34) I don't believe in icons.

The Weeknd Quotes

When someone says they don't believe in icons, it means they don't think there should be special people who are idolized or considered perfect. They believe that everyone is human and should be treated equally.

35) Nothing feels better than going onstage and everybody is singing every word - and actually wanting to see you.

The Weeknd Quotes

Imagine being on a stage and hearing the crowd sing along with every word of your song. It feels amazing to know that people are excited to see you and genuinely enjoy your performance. It's a special feeling of connection and appreciation.

36) My inspiration is R. Kelly, Michael Jackson, and Prince - for the vocals, anyway.

The Weeknd Quotes

When it comes to singing, some people find inspiration in talented artists like R. Kelly, Michael Jackson, and Prince. They admire these musicians for their incredible vocal abilities and use them as a source of inspiration for their own singing.

37) I wish I could make music about politics. I feel like it's such an art and a talent that I admire tremendously, but when I step into the studio, I step out of the real world, and it's therapeutic.

The Weeknd Quotes

Imagine having a passion for making music and also caring deeply about politics. It's like two different worlds colliding. When this person goes into the music studio, it's like stepping out of the real world and into a therapeutic space. Making music becomes a way to escape and express themselves creatively, even though they admire musicians who can skillfully blend their art with political messages. It's a unique way for them to find solace and create something meaningful, while temporarily setting aside the complexities of the political world.

38) When I write, I write about my surroundings. Sometimes it's light, and sometimes it gets very dark.

The Weeknd Quotes

When I write, I express what I see around me. Sometimes my words are filled with brightness and joy, while at other times, they delve into the shadows and explore deeper emotions.

39) 'Kiss Land' is the story after 'Trilogy'; it's pretty much the second chapter of my life. The narrative takes place after my first flight; it's very foreign, very Asian-inspired. When people ask me, 'Why Japan?' I simply tell them it's the furthest I've ever been from home. It really is a different planet.

The Weeknd Quotes

"Kiss Land" is a music album by The Weeknd. He says it's like the next chapter of his life after his first big success. The songs have a foreign, Asian-inspired feel and he chose Japan because it felt like a whole new world to him. It's like being on a different planet far away from home.

40) 'Kiss Land' is like a horror movie.

The Weeknd Quotes

"Kiss Land" is an album by musician The Weeknd, and it's often described as being like a horror movie. It means the music and lyrics create a dark and eerie atmosphere that can give you a thrilling and spooky experience, just like watching a scary film.

41) The whole 'enigmatic artist thing, I just ran with it.

The Weeknd Quotes

Sometimes, artists are known for being mysterious and secretive. They create an "enigmatic artist" image. One artist decided to embrace this idea and make it a part of their persona, adding intrigue and interest to their work.

42) I always use Michael as, first and foremost, a vocal inspiration, and 'Off the Wall' was definitely the one that made me feel like I could sing.

The Weeknd Quotes

Michael Jackson, the famous singer, and performer, serves as a source of inspiration for many aspiring artists. One album in particular, called 'Off the Wall,' had a significant impact on someone's singing journey, making them feel confident in their own vocal abilities.

43) When I was performing the songs on 'Kiss Land,' it was a great singalong. But there were moments when I realized some parts were catchier than others. There are maybe two choruses on all of 'Kiss Land.'

The Weeknd Quotes

Imagine you're singing along to songs from an album called 'Kiss Land.' Some parts of the songs are so catchy that everyone loves to sing them, but there are only a few of these catchy parts called choruses throughout the whole album.

44) I wanted to drop three albums in a year because no one had done it. It was bold, unheard of.

The Weeknd Quotes

Imagine being a musician and wanting to release not just one, but three albums in just one year. That's exactly what this artist wanted to do. It was a bold and unheard-of idea because nobody had ever done it before. They wanted to push boundaries and show that anything is possible in the world of music.

45) When you're traveling constantly, every day you become inspired, and it shows in my work, sonically, lyrically, and visually. Conversations with women with different accents and stories told in those accents. I like to create characters based on different people I've met, and relationships. I like to tell stories loosely based on real-life events.

The Weeknd Quotes

When you're always traveling, bring inspiration every day, and that inspiration reflects in my music, lyrics, and visuals. I have conversations with women from different places, with unique accents and stories, and I create characters and tell stories based on the people and relationships I encounter.

46) Environment is very important to me. Sometimes I have to perform during the day for festivals, and my music does not work in the daytime. It is nighttime music.

The Weeknd Quotes

The environment is crucial to me. Sometimes I perform at festivals during the day, but my music is more suited for nighttime. It creates a special atmosphere that doesn't quite fit during daylight hours.

47) The Joker that Christopher Nolan created in 'The Dark Knight' had a scar across his mouth, and the first time you hear his explanation for it, he makes you believe that's how he got it. But then you get into the film, and every time he talks about his scar, it's a totally different story.

The Weeknd Quotes

In the movie "The Dark Knight," the Joker, created by Christopher Nolan, has a scar on his mouth. When he explains how he got it, it seems believable. But as the film goes on, every time he talks about the scar, his stories change completely, making you question the truth. It adds an element of mystery and intrigue to the character, keeping the audience guessing about his past and true motives.

48) I just kept touring and touring until it became second nature to go onstage, perform, and sing.

The Weeknd Quotes

Imagine practicing something so much that it becomes as easy as breathing. That's what happened to me with touring. I kept going onstage, performing, and singing until it became second nature. It became a natural and effortless part of who I am.

49) I usually don't like to 'spoon feed' my audience, because I grew up idolizing storytellers who tell stories using symbolism, so it was in my nature to do the same.

The Weeknd Quotes

When telling stories, some people prefer to use symbolism rather than directly explaining everything. It adds depth and allows the audience to interpret the meaning. This person was influenced by storytellers who used symbolism, and it became their natural way of storytelling.

50) I feel like the way I was raised was to be able to see through all the titles in this world - from religion to race.

The Weeknd Quotes

The way I was brought up taught me to look beyond labels and categories that society uses, like religion or race. It helped me see people for who they truly are, beyond these superficial divisions.

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