Doja Cat Quotes

 Doja Cat Quotes

Doja Cat is a talented and popular American singer, rapper, and songwriter. Known for her catchy songs and unique style, she has gained a large fan base. Her music blends various genres like pop, R&B, and hip-hop, making her a versatile artist.

1) I'm a bit of a tomboy, but then a girly girl. And I feel like you can be both.

Doja Cat Quotes

I'm a mix of a tomboy and a girly girl, and I believe you can be both too. You don't have to fit into just one category. Embrace all sides of yourself and enjoy being unique!

2) I have no affinity for cows. I mean, they're cool.

Doja Cat Quotes

I don't really have a special liking for cows. They're okay, I guess.

3) If your only intent is to be seen, you'll never be seen. If your intent is to be happy, comfortable, genuine, and true in craft, you're destined to be noticed.

Doja Cat Quotes

If you just want attention, you won't get it. But if you focus on being happy, genuine, and good at what you do, people will notice you naturally. Be true to yourself and success will follow.

4) You stand up for what you believe in.

Doja Cat Quotes

Standing up for what you believe means having the courage to defend your opinions and values. It shows strength and determination, even if others disagree. It's about staying true to yourself and making a difference.

5) I just like to do fun stuff. If I'm not having fun with it, I'm not going to do it for the rest of my life.

Doja Cat Quotes

Having fun is important! If something isn't enjoyable, it's hard to stick with it long-term. It's better to focus on activities that bring you joy and make you happy. Life is too short to spend time on things that don't bring you any fun.

6) At this point, I just do whatever... I want, to my detriment.

Doja Cat Quotes

Sometimes, we reach a point where we feel like doing whatever we want, even if it's not good for us. It's interesting how our desires can sometimes override our better judgment, leading to negative consequences.

7) Be whatever you want to be.

Doja Cat Quotes

In life, you can be anything you want to be. You have the power to choose your path and pursue your dreams. So go ahead and embrace your passions, follow your heart, and be the person you aspire to be.

8) I really pull from everyone. I'm absorbent.

Doja Cat Quotes

Imagine being like a sponge that can soak up knowledge, experiences, and inspiration from everyone around you. That's what it means to be absorbent. It's like having a superpower that allows you to learn and grow by embracing the wisdom and perspectives of others.

9) Truth is, I love everyone who is a good person regardless of what they look like, walk like, or whom they love.

Doja Cat Quotes

Love is a beautiful feeling that goes beyond appearances or differences. It means caring for people who are kind and loving, no matter their appearance, the way they move, or who they love. Love embraces diversity and connects us all.

10) I'm not saying I'm even half as talented or a quarter as talented as any of the people I'm inspired by, but if I hear a beat Busta Rhymes would absolutely kill, I'll use my voice to do a flow similar to his.

Doja Cat Quotes

Imagine being inspired by incredibly talented people, like Busta Rhymes, who have amazing skills. Even though you might not be as talented as them, you can still use your voice and style to create something similar and pay tribute to their greatness. It's a way to show your admiration and love for their music.

11) I am whatever you want me to be and I can't control that. My experience is my experience, but I can't really claim anything. I know when I take my wig off at night and I have to twist my hair up, I'm black. But I don't get too personal most of the time.

Doja Cat Quotes

Everyone sees me differently, and I can't change that. I have my own unique experiences, but I can't force others to understand or believe them. Sometimes, when I remove my wig and care for my hair, I feel connected to my black identity. However, I usually keep things less personal.

12) I guess passion keeps me going.

Doja Cat Quotes

Passion is like a fire inside you that keeps you motivated and excited. It's the thing you love doing and gives you energy. When you have passion, it helps you stay determined and keep moving forward.

13) I have a song called 'Waffles Are Better Than Pancakes.' If I can't be goofy, I'll go insane.

Doja Cat Quotes

Sometimes being silly and having fun is important for our well-being. For example, the person saying this has a song about waffles and pancakes because being goofy brings them joy and helps them stay sane.

14) When I was a kid, I used to wake up every single day and skateboard. All I would think about is skating, but it wasn't like I wanted to be a pro skater. It was more of just that's what I did. I also rollerbladed a lot.

Doja Cat Quotes

When I was a kid, skateboarding was my passion. Every morning, I would wake up excited to ride my skateboard. It wasn't about becoming a pro skater, but simply because I loved it. I also spent a lot of time rollerblading.

15) We should all learn from our experiences, but I don't think hatred is the best way to deal with ignorance.

Doja Cat Quotes

When we go through different situations, it's important to gain wisdom from them. However, responding to ignorance with hate isn't the best approach. There are better ways to address misunderstandings and promote understanding.

16) I love Cardi B.

Doja Cat Quotes

Cardi B is an amazing musician and entertainer known for her catchy songs and vibrant personality. Many people enjoy her music and find her performances exciting and energetic. It's great to have artists that we love and admire!

17) My mom was a painter and loves to sing behind closed doors.

Doja Cat Quotes

Your mom has a creative side! She enjoys painting beautiful pictures and singing her heart out when nobody's watching. It's her special way of expressing herself and finding joy in her talents.

18) My mom loves music and it poured into my childhood.

Doja Cat Quotes

Music has a powerful impact on our lives, and for this person, their mom's love for music greatly influenced their childhood. It means they were surrounded by music, which likely brought joy and created lasting memories for them.

19) I always knew I wanted to entertain people my whole life, I just didn't know exactly how I was going to do it until I was 16 and everything blossomed on SoundCloud.

Doja Cat Quotes

From a young age, I had a strong desire to make people happy through entertainment. However, it wasn't until I turned 16 and discovered SoundCloud that my talents found a platform to flourish and reach others in an exciting way.

20) I've never worked behind a cash register before.

Doja Cat Quotes

Working behind a cash register means handling money and helping customers with their purchases. It can be a new experience, but it's also an opportunity to learn new skills and interact with people.

21) When I was 12 I was obsessed with green and had my mom get me a bunch of green bedding for my room.

Doja Cat Quotes

When I was 12 years old, I had a strong love for the color green. I was so fascinated by it that I convinced my mom to buy me lots of green bedding to decorate my room. It made me feel happy and surrounded by my favorite color.

22) We moved from the suburbs to L.A. and I picked up break dancing when I was 10. I joined a dance crew in high school and I was battling. I also took ballet most of my life until high school.

Doja Cat Quotes

When I was 10, my family moved from the suburbs to Los Angeles. That's where I discovered break dancing and joined a dance crew in high school. I loved battling and expressing myself through dance. I also had a passion for ballet, which I had been practicing since I was young until high school.

23) I don't want to name my fandom, I want them to name themselves. If I'm cool with it, I'm cool with it.

Doja Cat Quotes

Choosing a fandom name can be a fun and personal decision. Some people prefer to let their fans come up with a name that represents their community. If you like the name they choose, then it's all good!

24) I think I wanted to sing, but I just couldn't because I was so shy. I didn't really know how to begin that other than like, singing in my room, locking the door, and trying to sing kind of quietly. I knew my mom would want to listen and she would probably bug me about it.

Doja Cat Quotes

Sometimes, we have passions and dreams, like singing, but shyness can hold us back. Starting small, like singing in your room, can be a way to explore and build confidence. But beware, because moms can be supportive and curious, wanting to hear you sing!

25) Before 'MOOO!' there were times when I was definitely at a low. I wasn't getting that much support from the people around me.

Doja Cat Quotes

Before the song "MOOO!" became popular, there were moments when I felt down. The people around me didn't provide much support during those times.

26) I believe in female rap.

Doja Cat Quotes

Female rap is a powerful and exciting genre of music. It showcases talented women expressing themselves through clever lyrics, catchy beats, and confident performances. It's important to believe in and support the unique voices and perspectives of female rappers.

27) I believe there are talented female rappers out there that aren't one-dimensional. It's OK to be one-dimensional, by the way.

Doja Cat Quotes

There are amazingly talented female rappers who have more to offer than just one side of their art. However, being one-dimensional is also valid and accepted. It's all about embracing different styles and perspectives in the world of rap.

28) It's funny when you have a theme so particular to cows - or it could be anything like hair or nails - when you're rapping about a specific thing, you can have more punchlines about it.

Doja Cat Quotes

Imagine if you're rapping about something specific like cows, hair, or nails. It's actually funny because you can come up with more clever and funny lines about that particular thing. It adds a special touch to your rap and makes it more interesting.

29) I do have a lot of music out.

Doja Cat Quotes

Imagine having a bunch of songs that you've made and shared with the world. That's what it means to have a lot of music out. It's like your own personal collection of tunes for everyone to enjoy!

30) A lot of people liked 'Amala,' and that's great. However, I don't think it was a finished album.

Doja Cat Quotes

"Amala" was a music album that many people enjoyed. But the person who made it feels that it wasn't complete. They believe there could have been more to it or something missing.

31) I just started singing 'cause I had dropped out of school.

Doja Cat Quotes

Sometimes when life takes an unexpected turn, we find solace in different ways. For example, if someone drops out of school, they might discover a passion for singing. It can become a way to express themselves and find joy amidst challenges.

32) I don't spend my time on farms. I don't like the smell, to be honest.

Doja Cat Quotes

Farms are places where plants and animals are grown, but not everyone enjoys being there. Some people don't like the smell that comes with it, so they prefer to spend their time elsewhere. We all have different preferences!

33) I feel like there's a lot of pressure on artists to be 100 percent organic all the time.

Doja Cat Quotes

Artists often face the expectation of being completely authentic and original at all times. This can create pressure because it's not always easy to constantly produce work that is purely organic without any outside influences or inspiration.

34) People can smell when things aren't genuine.

Doja Cat Quotes

Our noses are great at sniffing out more than just food! People have a special ability to sense when something or someone is not being authentic or sincere. It's like having a built-in truth detector that helps us recognize genuineness. So, it's important to be true to yourself and others to avoid getting caught in the scent of insincerity.

35) My father is a South African actor who danced in Broadway musicals for 'Lion King.'

Doja Cat Quotes

Wow, that's really cool! Imagine having a dad who is not only an actor but also danced in the famous Broadway musical 'Lion King.' It must have been amazing to see him perform and bring those incredible characters to life on stage.

36) I just really enjoy doing it and I've always loved making music.

Doja Cat Quotes

Creating music brings me immense joy. It's something I've always had a passion for. The process of making melodies and rhythms fills me with excitement and fulfillment.

37) I can sample Blink-182 but put an African vocal sample in there.

Doja Cat Quotes

Imagine creating music by taking a famous song from Blink-182 and adding a unique African vocal sample to it. It's like blending different flavors to make something new and exciting, combining elements from different cultures to create a fresh and interesting sound.

38) That's a small portion of my career, taking a moment to do something stupid.

Doja Cat Quotes

Sometimes, in the midst of our serious work, it's important to take a break and do something silly or fun. It's just a small part of our overall career, but it adds joy and balance to our lives.

39) I mean it's cool that people appreciate fun stuff.

Doja Cat Quotes

It's pretty awesome when people enjoy and value fun things. It's great to see how much people appreciate and find joy in activities, hobbies, or experiences that bring them happiness and make life more enjoyable.

40) With my first album it was a little bit like I was practicing.

Doja Cat Quotes

Creating my first album felt like practice for me. It was a learning experience where I was trying things out, exploring my style, and finding my voice as an artist.

41) I don't check Twitter as much or tweet as often because, honestly, sometimes social media is draining and brings out all of the negative things going on.

Doja Cat Quotes

Checking Twitter and posting tweets used to be a regular thing for me, but not anymore. Social media can be exhausting and highlight negativity. So, I've decided to limit my time there for my own well-being.

42) The Internet is such... it's so not real. But it's big and it feels big when you're on it.

Doja Cat Quotes

The Internet is a huge place, like a vast imaginary world. But remember, it's not real like the physical world. Still, it can make you feel like you're part of something enormous when you're using it.

43) Mooo!' was one of those songs where I was like thank God people like it because I like it, too. When I made it I was having fun so I can only pull positive emotions from that memory.

Doja Cat Quotes

"Mooo!" is a fun and catchy song that the artist created with joy. She was relieved when people enjoyed it because she genuinely liked it herself. The memory of making it brings only positive emotions, as it was a moment of fun and creativity.

44) I appreciate people who make hip-hop... the way A Tribe Called Quest and Lauryn Hill and KRS-One did it.

Doja Cat Quotes

I admire artists who create hip-hop music in the same spirit as A Tribe Called Quest, Lauryn Hill, and KRS-One. They brought unique styles, meaningful lyrics, and innovative beats, leaving a lasting impact on the genre and inspiring future generations.

45) I love that twinkly, girl rap. I've always loved that.

Doja Cat Quotes

I love the upbeat, catchy style of girl rap with its sparkling and energetic vibe. It has always appealed to me, bringing joy and excitement. The clever lyrics and empowering messages make it even more enjoyable.

46) I love R&B and hard-hitting, slappy, intense music with deep chords and moody chords. But I also have a thing for bubbly lullaby music. Kind of like ice-cream truck rap.

Doja Cat Quotes

I enjoy R&B and intense music with powerful beats and emotional melodies. Surprisingly, I also have a soft spot for catchy, light-hearted tunes reminiscent of ice-cream truck jingles. It's like a mix of musical flavors that I find irresistible.

47) I tried writing a song and it wasn't very good. I sang it to my mom and she told me it was bad - but I was eight, so it's okay.

Doja Cat Quotes

When I was eight, I attempted to write a song, but it didn't turn out great. I bravely sang it to my mom, and even though she said it was bad, being a kid, I didn't mind.

48) We need people who are open to doing something with the theme, something with a cartoonish twist.

Doja Cat Quotes

We require individuals who are willing to approach the theme with creativity and a playful touch, adding a fun and exaggerated cartoon-like element. This will bring a unique and enjoyable twist to the project, making it captivating and memorable.

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