Michelle Yeoh Quotes

  Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Michelle Yeoh is a talented actress and martial artist. Known for her grace and fierce on-screen presence, she has appeared in action films like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and the James Bond movie "Tomorrow Never Dies." She is admired for her versatile performances and dedication to her craft.

1) It can only be true love when you enable your other half to be better, to be the person they're destined to be.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

True love means supporting and encouraging your partner to reach their full potential. When you empower them to grow and embrace their true self, it creates a deep and meaningful connection that fosters personal growth and happiness for both individuals involved.

2) This world belongs to all of us, and all sexes should be able to live in respect and harmony.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Everyone, regardless of gender, deserves to coexist in a world of equality and understanding. Mutual respect and harmony should prevail, recognizing that this planet is home to all of us, and fostering a society where everyone can thrive and be treated fairly.

3) I have people who love me people that I love and a man that I love. So in that sense, I feel that I'm pretty well-rounded.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

You have a wonderful balance in your life with people who love you, people you love, and a special man you love. This makes you feel complete and fulfilled in different aspects, creating a well-rounded and satisfying experience.

4) I'm not a fashion victim, and I don't closely follow trends. I dress the way I feel comfortable because, at the end of the day, you have to be comfortable.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

I don't let fashion control me. I dress to feel good, not to follow trends. Comfort is key because, in the end, it's important to feel at ease with what you wear. Your confidence matters most.

5) Body language is more fascinating to me than actual language.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Body language is like a silent conversation. It's the way people express themselves without words. From a smile to a crossed arm, it reveals emotions and intentions, giving us insight into someone's true feelings. Paying attention to body language adds a whole new dimension to communication.

6) I thoroughly enjoy a good hot bath. That is my ultimate luxury.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Indulging in a warm bath is my ultimate treat. The soothing water envelops me, easing away the day's stresses. As I relax, my worries dissolve, and I emerge refreshed and rejuvenated. It's a simple pleasure that brings me pure bliss.

7) For me, beauty comes from natural happiness. I think that a woman glows, and a man, even, when they're healthy and they're happy.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

I believe that true beauty emanates from genuine happiness. When someone is healthy and content, their inner glow shines through. It applies to both women and men, as a radiant spirit and well-being contribute to their overall attractiveness.

8) We have to make movies where we do not think this is for the American market or this is for the Chinese market. We have to make a good movie that anyone would just want to sit down and watch because love, language, and culture transcend everything.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Movies should be made without thinking about specific markets. Instead, focus on creating compelling stories that can be enjoyed universally. Love, language, and culture connect people regardless of their background, making films a powerful medium to bridge gaps and bring people together.

9) It's very important for us all to understand that we are interconnected and we need to hold hands together, especially when the going gets tough.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

It's crucial to recognize that we're all connected and should support each other, especially in difficult times. Just like holding hands, our collective strength and unity can overcome challenges and create a better world for everyone.

10) I gravitate towards roles where women find strength in very difficult, uncompromising situations but maintain clarity in mind, discipline at heart, and a certain strength in spirit.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

I'm drawn to characters who portray resilient women facing tough challenges, yet staying strong, focused, and determined. Their minds stay sharp, their hearts disciplined, and their spirits unwavering, inspiring others with their unwavering strength.

11) Martial arts is just practice. Being a geisha requires complete control.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Martial arts are about training and honing physical skills while being a geisha demands mastering grace, poise, and intricate arts like music, dance, and conversation. Both require discipline, but being a geisha adds an extra layer of refined elegance and artistry.

12) I kick and punch quite hard, and it surprises people.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

When I throw kicks and punches, I pack a powerful punch that often catches people off guard. My strength and technique are impressive, leaving others amazed by the force I can generate with my strikes.

13) Today, tomorrow, and every day, we will see at least 2,000 young children killed or seriously injured on the world's roads. This is unacceptable and preventable, and we have to stop it. We have the vaccines for this disease: helmets, seatbelts, speed enforcement, and safe road design. We just need to use them.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Every day, 2,000 children are hurt or killed in road accidents. We can prevent this tragedy with simple solutions: helmets, seatbelts, enforcing speed limits, and safer roads. Let's take action and protect our children from this preventable disease.

14) I have been presented with roles with demand, not just physical ability but mental discipline as well. 'Memoirs of a Geisha' was not so much about physical exertion... it was much more graceful and contained than that.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

In "Memoirs of a Geisha," the roles I received required both physical and mental strength. It wasn't just about being physically fit, but also having mental discipline. The movie emphasized grace and elegance rather than intense physical exertion.

15) To be a geisha, you have to have an iron-clad layer around you - around your physical body and your heart.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Being a geisha requires a strong protective shield around your body and emotions. It's like having armor that keeps you composed and guarded. This resilience is vital to navigating the intricate world of tradition, beauty, and artistry that geishas are known for.

16) You have to have integrity.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles. It's about doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Having integrity builds trust and respect, and helps us make choices we can be proud of.

17) As an actor, you hope to find roles that are challenging to you as an artist. Then if you are truly blessed, you will find that it also carries a message that you can impart to your audience.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

As an actor, you search for roles that push your artistic limits. If you're lucky, those roles will also have a meaningful message you can share with your audience, making it a fulfilling experience for both the artist and the viewer.

18) You never know whether the subject matter will click with the audience at that particular time. I wish there was a formula, you know, 'That plus that equals success.'

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

When sharing something with others, it's hard to predict what they'll like. There's no secret formula for success. It's a mix of timing and audience taste. But wouldn't it be great if there was a simple equation for guaranteed success?

19) As an actress, you know there are limitations on what you can do creatively.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

As an actress, you're aware of the creative boundaries that exist. While acting allows you to explore different characters and emotions, some constraints come with scripts and directors' visions. However, these limitations can also inspire innovative approaches and push your artistic abilities.

20) When you face up to bad things in the past, the most important thing is not to allow them to happen today or in the future, and as storytellers, we must play our part in that.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

When we confront past mistakes, it's crucial to prevent their recurrence. As storytellers, we bear the responsibility of shaping a better future by learning from the past and ensuring that the same errors are not repeated in our narratives or in reality.

21) I don't plan to go out and do an action or not do an action.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

When it comes to making decisions, I have no particular intention of taking action or refraining from it. I'm currently in a state of neutrality, not leaning toward any specific course of action.

22) India has a great talent pool of actors. I see Freida Pinto making it big in Hollywood, and I am sure many others can also make it.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

India is a treasure trove of talented actors. Freida Pinto's success in Hollywood is just the beginning. With countless aspiring actors, India has the potential to produce more stars who can shine on the global stage.

23) If I only get to play Malaysian roles, there wouldn't be very many roles for me to play.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Imagine if an actor could only play characters from one specific country. That would limit their opportunities because there aren't many roles like that. It's important to have diverse roles so actors can showcase their talents in various ways.

24) Sometimes, being a girl away from home - gets to you.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Being a girl away from home can sometimes be tough. It's natural to miss the familiar and feel a bit overwhelmed. It's important to reach out, take care of yourself, and remember that you're not alone in this experience.

25) Wai Lin is the first Bond Girl who is on a par with Bond, someone who can match up with him mentally and physically. From the moment our characters see each other, there is a wariness and a recognition that this person is not who she or he seems to be.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Wai Lin, a character in a James Bond movie, is a Bond Girl who is just as capable and strong as James Bond himself. When Wai Lin and Bond meet, they both sense that there is more to each other than meets the eye, creating an intriguing dynamic of caution and mutual respect.

26) I have done many films across the globe and would love to be a part of Bollywood, but the script must have a strong character for me.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

As an actor, I have been fortunate to work in movies around the world. I'm interested in Bollywood, but I want to be involved in a film that offers a powerful and impactful character for me to portray. It's important to me to have a strong role.

27) Martial arts is something you can learn or pick up and think you could do really well.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Martial arts is an exciting and fascinating discipline that anyone can learn. It may seem easy at first, making you think you can excel, but it takes dedication and practice to truly master its techniques and become skilled in it.

28) My grandmother had flawless skin just from using basic skincare - an old herbal remedy in the form of a white powder and cream. I don't actually know what was in it because when you're young, you're not interested in skincare, and I didn't want to walk around the house with a white face.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Back in the day, my grandmother had amazing skin thanks to a simple skincare routine. She used an herbal remedy, a white powder and cream. I never knew the exact ingredients because I wasn't interested in skincare back then, and I didn't want to walk around with a white face.

29) My career in the movie business began in Hong Kong, My heart has always been tied to Asia, and it is immensely gratifying to see international recognition for Asian cinema as a whole.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

I started my movie career in Hong Kong, and Asia has always been close to my heart. It's incredibly satisfying to witness the global appreciation and recognition of Asian cinema as a whole.

30) In many ways, I feel I'm still as physically fit as I was 20 years ago because I've always been athletic.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Staying physically fit is important for our overall well-being. If someone has been athletic throughout their life, they might feel that even after 20 years, they still have the same level of fitness. It's interesting to see how maintaining an active lifestyle can contribute to their physical capabilities over time.

31) If you read a lot of Chinese literature, there have always been very strong women figures - warriors, swordswomen - who defended honor and loyalty with the men. So, it's not new to our culture - it's always been very much a part of it. It's good that now the Western audience would have a different image of Chinese women.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

In Chinese literature, there have always been powerful women like warriors and swordswomen who fight alongside men. This isn't new to our culture; it has always been a part of it. It's great that now Western audiences can see a different image of Chinese women.

32) I have very supportive parents who said, 'Go and do what you want to do. Home is always here for you, and if you don't like it out there, come back. You can always do something different.' So when you have an option like that, you can choose roles or choose the things you want to be in.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Having supportive parents can make a big difference in pursuing your dreams. When they give you the freedom to explore and follow your passions, it creates a safe space. It means you can take risks, try new things, and make choices that align with your interests and values. With such encouragement, you have the freedom to choose the roles or paths that truly resonate with you, knowing that you always have a supportive home to return to if needed. This support enables you to chase your aspirations with confidence and embrace opportunities without fear of failure.

33) I grew up in Malaysia, and Bollywood is really big there. As a result, I've grown up watching a lot of Hindi movies.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Growing up in Malaysia, I had the chance to experience the popularity of Bollywood movies. They were a big part of our entertainment culture, and I got to enjoy many exciting and colorful Hindi films as I grew up.

34) We all learn every day, and that's the magic of filmmaking.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Filmmaking is like a magical journey where we keep learning every day. It's exciting because we discover new things, improve our skills, and create amazing stories that captivate and inspire people. The learning never stops!

35) Before you get into the mind, you have to inhabit the physicality. Body language is a great way of speaking.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

When trying to understand someone's thoughts and feelings, it's important to pay attention to their body language. How they move and carry themselves can reveal a lot about what they're thinking or experiencing. It's like their body is speaking its own language, giving us clues about their inner world. So, before diving into someone's mind, start by observing and understanding their physicality.

36) When I watch myself on-screen, I always look for flaws.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

When I see myself in movies or TV shows, I tend to focus on the things I don't like about my appearance or performance. I'm always searching for imperfections or mistakes.

37) Jackie Chan is like a big bro to me.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Imagine having a famous actor like Jackie Chan as your big brother. He's someone you can trust, look up to, and seek guidance from. Having him in your life would be pretty cool and special!

38) My mother is a very big cinema buff, so as a kid, we watched a lot of Indian and Malay films.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

As a child, my mom loved watching movies, especially Indian and Malay films. So, I got to watch many of them too. It was a fun and enjoyable experience for our family.

39) I don't like cutting my hair. I did that once, and my mum thought I was a boy.

Cutting hair can change how we look, and sometimes it can lead to funny situations. Once, when I cut my hair, my mom mistook me for a boy! It made me realize how much hairstyles can influence people's perceptions.

40) Beauty shouldn't be superficial and should come from within, and your eyes will tell the story.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Beauty is more than just what's on the outside. True beauty shines from within. It's about being kind, confident, and genuine. When you look into someone's eyes, you can see their true beauty and the story they carry within them.

41) We always see Aung San as a strong, tough woman. Two stories are running in parallel. You see the contradictions between the East and the West, and you see someone who does mundane and normal things - someone who's supposed to be a housewife - and then someone who's become important and imprisoned.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Aung San is often portrayed as a strong and resilient woman. Two stories are happening at the same time. One shows the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, and the other reveals a person who does ordinary things like a housewife but also becomes significant and gets imprisoned.

42) When men have a smile on their faces, that does a lot for me.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

When men are happy and smiling, it can have a positive impact on me. Seeing others' joy and happiness can be contagious and make me feel good too.

43) Let's empower men and help them take a stand to stop acts of violence against women.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

It's important to support and encourage men to take a stand against violence towards women. By empowering men, we can work together to create a safer and more respectful society for everyone.

44) I stretch and do squats when I brush my teeth.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Doing stretches and squats while brushing your teeth is a clever way to make the most of your time. It helps you stay active, improve flexibility, and make your teeth-brushing routine more interesting and productive.

45) I always thought of myself as James Bond.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Imagine feeling like you're a real-life version of the famous spy James Bond. You might imagine yourself being suave, skilled, and adventurous, just like him. It's a fun way to feel confident and embrace your own sense of adventure and charm.

46) When a movie becomes very successful, it's automatic that people will start thinking of a sequel, a prequel, or a sequel-quel.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

When a movie is a huge hit, it's natural for people to start imagining more stories related to it. They might think about making a sequel (a continuation), a prequel (a story set before the original), or even a "sequel-quel" (a combination of both).

47) As a producer, what you want to do is make the next hit. But you also want to lead the audience into wanting to watch different movies. You have to vary your content.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

As a producer, your goal is to create the next big success. But it's also important to guide the audience toward exploring different types of movies. To achieve that, you need to offer diverse and varied content that captures their interest.

48) There is no guaranteed formula. And that's one of the interesting things about filmmaking. You could put $115 million in, and it doesn't guarantee success.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Filmmaking is a fascinating process, and success isn't guaranteed, no matter how much money is invested. Spending $115 million on a movie doesn't automatically ensure its success, highlighting the unpredictable nature of the film industry. It's one of the things that makes filmmaking exciting and full of surprises.

49) Your timing has to be very accurate. I've done a lot of wire work before. I can see that experience makes a big difference.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

Imagine you're doing a stunt with wires, like flying through the air. To do it well, you need perfect timing. If you've done it before, you know how important experience is. It helps you master the skills and make everything look awesome!

50) Asia and the Pacific region are facing an epidemic of road death and injury, but we also have innovative Asian road safety solutions.

Michelle Yeoh Quotes

In Asia and the Pacific, there is a serious problem with road accidents causing injuries and deaths. However, people in this region are also coming up with clever and creative solutions to improve road safety.

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